Could the you 4 years ago be better than the you now?

The past is usually referred to in the negative. For example, ‘Forget the past’. Have you ever reflected and found that the quality of the person you were in the past is better than your present? People get better by the day or do we deceive ourselves with that expectation?

So, I was arranging books for my bookshelf and came across my old journals. There was a particular journal I opened and stumbled on an entry of one of my encounters with God. It was a morning that I was just hungry for God’s word.

The things I wrote in that entry surprised me, the words surprised me. They seemed far beyond me, a higher version of thinking and this was 4 years ago. So what happened to me? Suffering another amnesia about what God has called me to be and do?

Adeyinka, we cannot continue like this, let’s face it. You may get no encouragement outside of the presence of God on this because it is a not yet a public matter and God is dealing with you in a private manner.

Different allegories played in my mind, but the prodigal son was one of the strongest and I agree I know what I must do quickly. Sometimes look at the past, for a reason, for a testimony, to be set straight, to be reminded of who you are, where you can or should be. I hope you journal or ‘JOTH FINGS DOWN’ in Josh2Funny’s comical expression. 😁

I would share that journal entry as it was in another blog post. I hope people read that. I know the last blog post was just to test if this site was still working. Amen? Amen! LOL! You didn’t read it so how will you know if it was interesting or not?

Live. Love. Learn. Mjady or Adey whichever you like 😜